Christmas 2024 zine

This Christmas, I decided to create a small zine with this game, as well as with my other two one-page games called "Let me brush this blood of my teeth before bedtime" and "The shape of your lips", to distribute them to friends, family and acquaintances.

A clearer text of the game
While fixing the layout of "Would You Date a Seashell?" I noticed the text could be improved.
Therefore, the text of the zine version, which you can now download (Seashell_zine.pdf) is slightly different from the previous versions of the text. I put the zine pdf as available and erased the previous versions. I will soon work on the layout of this new text and release the postcard layout again.

The zine layout
Instead of being on a single page, the game is now in a double-sided A4, so that it can be folded into four in the form of a small zine. The text is more readable than in the postcard version.

I hope you can enjoy this and my other games in the zine format during your holidays. Have fun!


Seashell_zine.pdf 535 kB
83 days ago

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